Mācoties Blackjack ‘Back Counting’: Mūsu Uzvaras Taktika

Atpakaļskaitīšana blackjackā ir stratēģija, kas ietver izdevīgas spēles atrašanu un tikai tad iegrūšanos, kad ir priekšrocība. Atpakaļskaitot, spēlētāji var likt lielākas likmes, kad viņiem ir priekšrocība, un mazākas likmes, kad viņiem to nav. Šī stratēģija izslēdz nepieciešamību pēc lielām likmju starpībām un samazina iespēju tikt atklātiem no kazino personāla. Don Šlesingers ieteic izmantot konkrētu likmju shēmu, balstoties uz patieso skaitu, lai maksimizētu peļņu, vienlaicīgi kontrolējot risku. Svarīgi spēlēt ar drošības rezervi un iegrūsties spēlē tikai, kad kārta noteikti ir izdevīga.

Nozīmīgākie secinājumi:

  • Atpakaļskaitīšana ļauj spēlētājiem veikt likmes galvenokārt tad, kad tas ir izdevīgi, kas noved pie kopējās ieguvuma palielināšanās.
  • Atpakaļskaitīšana samazina nepieciešamību pēc lielām likmju starpībām, kas var piesaistīt kazino personāla uzmanību.
  • Lai izvairītos no atklāšanas, svarīgi ir izstrādāt labas taktikas, lai novērstu aizdomas par skaitīšanu.
  • Veiksmīgai kartes skaitīšanai ir nepieciešama laba redzes asums un prasme saglabāt kartes skaitu attālumā.
  • Būtisks ir arī pareizs likmju un spēlēšanas lēmumu pielāgojums, pamatojoties uz kavēkļa sastāvu.

Benefits of Back Counting in Blackjack

When it comes to playing blackjack, back counting can offer players several significant advantages. By implementing this strategy, players can increase their overall winnings and minimize the risk of detection by casino staff. Here, we discuss the key benefits of back counting in blackjack.

Higher Overall Winnings

One of the main advantages of back counting is the ability to place larger bets when the shoe is profitable. Unlike traditional betting methods, where players make smaller bets regardless of profitability, back counting allows players to capitalize on favorable situations. By only entering the game when there is an advantage, players can maximize their profits and overall winnings in the long run.

Reduced Risk of Detection

Another benefit of back counting is that it reduces the need for large bet spreads, which can attract the attention of casino staff. When back counting, players can make larger bets immediately when entering a profitable shoe without arousing suspicion. This strategy allows players to blend in and avoid detection, ensuring a longer and more enjoyable playing experience.

Increased Strategic Betting

Back counting provides players with the opportunity to strategically adjust their betting based on the profitability of the shoe. By carefully monitoring the count and entering the game when the shoe is in their favor, players can make well-informed decisions and place larger bets. This level of strategic betting allows players to optimize their chances of winning and stay ahead of the game.

In conclusion, back counting in blackjack offers several benefits that can enhance the playing experience and increase the chances of winning. By betting mostly when it’s profitable and reducing the need for large bet spreads, players can maximize their overall winnings while minimizing the risk of detection. Additionally, back counting allows for increased strategic betting, giving players the opportunity to make well-informed decisions and stay ahead of the game. With all these advantages, back counting is a valuable strategy to consider for any blackjack player.

Tactics for Back Counting

Successfully back counting in blackjack requires developing good tactics to avoid detection. One of the biggest challenges is keeping track of the count without sitting at the table. To avoid suspicion, players can act busy and engage in conversations with others. This creates a sense of normalcy and prevents casino staff from suspecting any unusual behavior.

Another important tactic is knowing when to join the game. It’s recommended to join when the shoe is clearly in your favor and to leave once it becomes less profitable. This requires careful observation and analysis of the cards being dealt. By entering the game at the right time, players can maximize their winnings and minimize their losses.

When leaving the game, it’s crucial to act natural and not draw attention to your departure. Abruptly leaving the table or making a big scene can raise suspicion and alert casino staff. Instead, it’s best to leave quietly and inconspicuously, blending in with the other players. This helps maintain the element of surprise and increases the chances of successfully back counting in future games.

Overall, back counting tactics involve being observant, patient, and disciplined. By following these tactics, players can effectively implement the back counting strategy and increase their chances of winning in blackjack.

Table: Example Back Counting Tactics

Tactic Description
Act Busy Engage in conversations with others to avoid suspicion.
Join at the Right Time Enter the game when the shoe is clearly in your favor.
Leave Quietly Exit the game inconspicuously to avoid drawing attention.

Tips for Counting Cards while Back Counting

Counting cards while back counting in blackjack requires precision and finesse. To successfully track the card values without arousing suspicions, here are some useful tips:

Tip 1: Minimize Time at a Single Table

By not staying at a single table for too long, you can avoid drawing attention to your card counting activities. Move around the casino, observe other games, and keep an eye on the surroundings. This helps you blend in with other players and reduces the chances of being detected by casino staff.

Tip 2: Time Your Entry and Exit

Timing is crucial when it comes to joining and leaving the game. Enter the table when the shoe is favorable and there is a higher probability of winning. Similarly, leave the table when the shoe becomes less profitable. This strategy helps maximize your winnings while minimizing the risk of losing.

Tip 3: Act Natural and Be Prepared

When leaving the table, it’s important to act natural and avoid any suspicious behavior. Have an excuse prepared in case you’re questioned about your actions. Engage in conversations with other players and act as a casual gambler. By blending in and appearing like any other player, you can avoid raising any doubts.

Table: Tips for Counting Cards while Back Counting
Tip 1: Minimize Time at a Single Table
Tip 2: Time Your Entry and Exit
Tip 3: Act Natural and Be Prepared

By following these tips, you can effectively count cards while back counting in blackjack. Remember to stay focused, maintain a low profile, and always be prepared for any unexpected encounters. With practice and discipline, you can increase your chances of winning and enjoy success in the game.

Kļūdas, kam jāizvairās, atpakaļskaitot Blackjack

Atpakaļskaitīšana Blackjack ir stratēģija, kas var būt ļoti izdevīga, tomēr ir svarīgi izvairīties no dažām bieži sastopamām kļūdām. Ja jums ir aizdomas par to, ka jūs atpakaļskaitāt, kazino darbinieki var ieviest pasākumus, lai jūs izvairītos no spēles vai pat izraidītu no kazino. Lai izvairītos no nepatikšanām un saglabātu savu priekšrocību, sekosim pareizajam uzvedības un spēles veidam.

Sāk ar nesaprātīgu likmju paplašināšanu

Viens no biežāk sastopamajiem kļūdām spēlējot atpakaļskaitīšanu, ir veikt pārāk lielas likmes, kas var piesaistīt kazino darbinieku uzmanību. Lai izvairītos no šīs kļūdas, ir ieteicams minimizēt likmju izmaiņas un, kad iespējams, likt vienādas likmes. Tādējādi mēs neizraisīsim aizdomas un saglabāsim zemu profilu, kamēr mēs saskaitām.

Izvēlas nepareizas atstāšanās laikus

Ir arī svarīgi atcerēties, ka nekad nevajadzētu spēlēt pārāk ilgi pie vienas galda. Tas padara mūs par vieglu mērķi kazino darbiniekiem, kuri var novērot un sekot līdzi mūsu darbībai. Lai izvairītos no šīs kļūdas, mēs varētu pamainīt galda pozīciju un pievērsties citām spēlēm, tādējādi saglabājot savu anonimitāti un samazinot iespējamo īstenotu likuma spēkā stāšanos.

Kļūdas Ieteikumi
Izvairieties no nesaprātīgu likmju paplašināšanās Minimizējiet likmju izmaiņas un likmējiet vienādas likmes, lai izvairītos no aizdomām
Izvēlaties nepareizas atstāšanās laikus Izmantojiet dažādus galda un spēļu maiņu, lai saglabātu anonimitāti

Lai saglabātu savu priekšrocību un izvairītos no nevajadzīgām problēmām, ir svarīgi izvairīties no šīm bieži sastopamajām kļūdām, spēlējot atpakaļskaitīšanu Blackjack. Ar apdomu un disciplīnu atpakaļskaitīšana un Blackjack, iespējams, kļūs par spēcīgiem rīkiem, lai panāktu panākumus.

The Basics of Card Counting in Blackjack

In blackjack, card counting is a strategy used to gain an advantage over the casino by keeping track of the ratio of high and low-valued cards. High cards like aces, 10s, and 9s benefit the player, while low cards like 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and 7s benefit the dealer. By assigning point values to each card and maintaining a running count, players can make informed betting and playing decisions based on the composition of the deck.

Card counting allows players to adjust their bets and take advantage of situations when the deck is favorable. When the count is high, indicating that there are more high cards remaining in the deck, players can increase their bets to maximize their winnings. Conversely, when the count is low, indicating a higher proportion of low cards, players can minimize their bets to reduce their losses.

To become proficient at card counting, players must practice and develop their skills in accurately assigning point values to each card and maintaining an accurate running count. Good eyesight and quick mental calculations are essential for successful card counting. With practice and discipline, card counting can be a powerful tool for increasing chances of winning in blackjack.

Sistēmas skaitīšanā blackjack

Sistēmas skaitīšana ir vēl viens veids, kā palielināt uzvaras iespējas blackjack spēlē. Šīs sistēmas pamatā ir noteiktu punktu piešķiršana katrai izdalītai kārtijai, lai noteiktu attiecību starp augstām un zemām kartēm. Šīs sistēmas piedāvā dažādi skaitīšanas līmeņi un sarežģītības pakāpes, atkarībā no tā, cik pieredzes un pacietības spēlētājs vēlas ieguldīt.

Vispazīstamākā sistēma ir “Hi-Lo” sistēma, kurā augstām kartēm tiek piešķirts pozitīvs (+1) punktu skaitlis, bet zemām kartēm – negatīvs (-1) punktu skaitlis. Ar šo sistēmu spēlētāji var saglabāt skaitīšanas skaitu un izdarīt likmes, pamatojoties uz zināmu punktu summu.

Dažas no citām populārajām sistēmām ir “Zena skaitīšanas” un “Hi-Opt II” sistēmas. Tās izmanto vairākus skaitīšanas līmeņus un papildu skaitītājus, lai palielinātu precizitāti. Tomēr, atcerieties, ka izvēle ir atkarīga no personiskām vēlmēm un spēlētāja komforta līmeņa.

Kāpēc izvēlēties skaitīšanas sistēmu?

  • Sistēmas skaitīšana palīdz jums noteikt, kad ir vērts veikt lielas likmes un kad ir drošāk veikt mazākas likmes.
  • Tās dod iespēju palielināt uzvaras iespējas, pamatojoties uz precīzāku informāciju par izdalītajām kartēm.
  • Ar sistēmas skaitīšanu jūs varat izmantot matemātiskas priekšrocības, lai pārspētu kazino.

Atcerieties, ka sistēmas skaitīšana prasa praksi un pacietību. Šī metode ne vienmēr garantē uzvaru, bet var palīdzēt palielināt uzvaras iespējas un izbaudīt spēli ar apzinātām likmēm.

Tabula: Tādu skaitīšanas sistēmu salīdzinājums

Sistēma Punktu piešķiršanas metode Sarežģītības līmenis
Hi-Lo +1 punkts augstām kartēm, -1 punkts zemām kartēm Viegla
Zena skaitīšana Dažādi punktu skaitļi atkarībā no kartes Vidēja
Hi-Opt II Dažādi punktu skaitļi atkarībā no kartes un papildu skaitītāji Augsta

“Blackjack joprojām ir viena no populārākajām kazino spēlēm pasaulē, un sistēmas skaitīšana ir viens no veidiem, kā palielināt savas izredzes uzvarēt. Tas prasa praksi un uzmanību, bet ar pareizu skaitīšanas sistēmu un izturību, jūs varat gūt panākumus šajā spēlē.”

Running Counts and True Counts in Card Counting

When it comes to card counting in blackjack, understanding running counts and true counts is essential. The running count refers to the running total of the card values in a specific counting system. However, to accurately assess the player’s advantage, the running count needs to be converted into a true count by dividing it by the number of undealt decks. The true count serves as a more accurate representation of the remaining card composition and its impact on the house edge. Different counting systems may have different methods for calculating the true count, but the ultimate goal is to make informed betting and playing decisions based on this critical information.

Calculating the true count helps us determine when we have an advantage and when it’s the most advantageous time to increase our bets. By keeping an accurate running count and converting it into a true count, we can adjust our betting strategy accordingly. This allows us to place larger bets when the true count is high and the deck is favorable for us, maximizing our potential winnings. On the other hand, when the true count is low, we can make smaller bets or even flat bet, minimizing our risk during less advantageous situations.

Understanding running counts and true counts requires practice and familiarity with the specific counting system being used. It is crucial to maintain an accurate count while staying focused and avoiding detection. By mastering the ability to accurately calculate true counts, we can gain a significant advantage in the game of blackjack, increasing our chances of success and maximizing our profits.

Running Counts and True Counts in Card Counting
Running Count The running total of card values in a counting system.
True Count The running count divided by the number of undealt decks to account for the deck composition.
Importance Helps determine the player’s advantage and adjust betting and playing decisions.
Maximizing Winnings Allows for larger bets when the true count is high and the deck is favorable.
Minimizing Risk Enables smaller bets or flat betting during less advantageous situations.


Atgriešanās un karšu skaitīšana var būt efektīvas stratēģijas, lai palielinātu uzvaras iespējas blackjack spēlē. Rūpīgi izvēloties, kad ienākt un iziet no spēles, un sekot līdzi karšu vērtībām, spēlētāji var iegūt priekšrocības pret kazino. Tomēr ir svarīgi izvairīties no visbiežāk sastopamajām kļūdām un rīkoties dabiski, lai izvairītos no atklāšanas. Ar praksi un disciplīnu atpakaļskaitīšana un karšu skaitīšana var kļūt par spēcīgiem rīkiem, kas palīdz sasniegt panākumus blackjack spēlē.

Mēs esam snieguši detalizētu ieskatu par atpakaļskaitīšanas stratēģiju blackjack spēlē un tās priekšrocībām. Atpakaļskaitīšana ļauj spēlētājiem izvairīties no nelabvēlīgas situācijas un lielākas likmes, palielinot savas kopējās izlozes uzvaras iespējas. Tomēr ir svarīgi izvairīties no aizdomu radīšanas un rīkoties diskreti, lai kazino darbinieki neapzinās spēlētāju metodes vai stratēģijas. Lai labi iemācītos atpakaļskaitīšanu un maksimāli izmantotu tās priekšrocības, vajadzīga laba prakse, pacietība un apņemšanās.

Ja Jums ir interese par blackjack un vēlaties palielināt savas uzvaras iespējas, mēs iesakām apgūt atpakaļskaitīšanu un karšu skaitīšanu. Tajā pašā laikā ir jāatceras par atbildīgu azartspēlēšanu un jāpievēršas arī jautrībai, nevis tikai uzvarām. Veiksmīgu spēlēšanu!


What is back counting in blackjack?

Back counting is a strategy in blackjack that involves finding a profitable game and only entering it when there is an advantage. By back counting, players can place larger bets when they have the advantage and make smaller bets when they don’t.

What are the advantages of back counting in blackjack?

There are two major advantages to back counting in blackjack. First, players can bet mostly when it’s profitable, which leads to higher overall winnings. Second, back counting reduces the need for large bet spreads, which can attract the attention of casino staff.

What tactics should I use for back counting in blackjack?

When back counting in blackjack, it’s important to keep track of the count without sitting at the table. Players can act busy and engage in conversations with others to avoid suspicion. It is also recommended to join the game when the shoe is clearly in your favor and to leave once it becomes less profitable.

What tips can you provide for counting cards while back counting?

To count cards while back counting, it’s essential to accurately keep track of the card values without being noticed. Some tips include not lingering too long at a single table, looking at other games and the surroundings, and timing your entry and exit from the table.

What mistakes should I avoid when back counting in blackjack?

Some common mistakes to avoid when back counting in blackjack include spreading bets too much, requesting a reshuffle, playing for extended periods of time without changing tables, making unnecessary cashouts, and not strategically adjusting after a backoff.

What is card counting in blackjack?

Card counting is a blackjack strategy that involves keeping track of the ratio of high and low valued cards in order to determine when the player or the dealer has an advantage. By adjusting their bets and playing decisions based on the composition of the deck, card counters can increase their chances of winning.

What systems are there for card counting?

There are various systems for card counting in blackjack. Basic card counting systems assign a positive, negative, or zero value to each card. The most common system is the Hi-Lo system, while more advanced systems such as the Zen Count and the Hi-Opt II use multiple levels and side counts.

What are running counts and true counts in card counting?

In card counting, the running count is the running total of the card values assigned in a specific system. To account for the number of decks in play, the running count is converted into a true count, which is the running count divided by the number of undealt decks. The true count is used to determine the player’s advantage and adjust betting and playing decisions accordingly.

What is the conclusion regarding back counting and card counting in blackjack?

Back counting and card counting can be effective strategies for increasing winnings in blackjack. By carefully choosing when to enter and leave a game, and by keeping track of the card values, players can gain an advantage over the casino. However, it’s important to avoid common mistakes and to act naturally to avoid detection.

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